
How to Draw a Line in Feet Inches or Meter mm By Using the Autocad

How to Draw a Line in Feet & Inches or Meter & Millimeter By Using the Autocad Basic LINE Command

How to Draw a Line in Feet & Inches or Meter & mm By Using the Autocad Basic LINE Command – Tutorial Hey, Guys, this is Jamil This is a basic video tutorial for some of my friends who asked me how to draw a line in feet and inches & meter and millimeters in AutoCAD. 

So here we go. first, you have to select the appropriate units for your drawing for this, we can use the short command un. enter this will open drawing units now that we are going to draw a line in feet and inches we will select engineering from TYPE drop-down list and from the insertion scale, we will select inches now I will hit ok for drawing a line we will TYPE command L enter and specify the first point by clicking on the required point in the drawing. 

I will hit F8 to switch ortho on so my line will be straight. now as we need to draw a line of 2′ and 5″ I will type 2 and single Quotes which will represent 2 feet and after this, i will type 5 and double quotes, which will represent as 5 inches. now when i will hit enter a line will be drawn with a length of 2′ and 5″ if we check the distance it is showing the exact length. This is it you can draw a line of any length in feet and inches you just have to specify the units. 

Now in another drawing I need to draw a line of 5 meters and 15 centimeters I will do the same command un. enter this will open drawing units now that we are going to draw a line in meters we will select decimal from type drop-down list and from insertion scale, we will select meter now we will hit ok I hope now you can understand the procedure.

And it will not be a problem for you. thanks for watching the video, please let me know what do you think about this topic. don’t forget to subscribe my channel for more upcoming useful tips and tricks. Thanks again for watching. Allah Hafiz.

How to draw a line in feet & inches or meters and millimeters in AutoCAD by using the AutoCAD basic line command, learning AutoCAD course free, AutoCAD Draw Line in Feet & Inches: AutoCAD Draw Line in Feet & Inches. This tutorial shows how to create a line in feet & inches in AutoCAD. 

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